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ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40
Jenya plays strip blackjack with you--The Hidden A-Jen-Da
This is not really new to this site, but for those of you who are new, you will be interested to know that if you go to this site http://stripblackjackgames.com/ you will be able to play blackjack with Eugenia and it is free. The more you win, the more clothes she loses; the more you lose, the more clothes you lose. When you win the game you are also presented with free bonus material.
There are three scenarios: a cowgirl one, a dealer one, and a sophiticate one. Though I lost a couple of times, I won all three and was rewarded with more of her delicious presence. I think photos from this site are on here somewhere (or at least they used to be) but I haven't tried to find them yet. I may do so in a bit. Anyway, If you want to play free strip blackjak with her, that link should take you to her page.
The full screen photos you see are screenshots I took with a program that allows you to record what you see on your computer screen. The others, I cropped out of those full size images just because I wanted to.
For best viewing press F11 for full screen, use arrow buttons on your keyboard for scrolling, and press F11 again when you want to return to a normal screen. The last photo in this set came from the bonus section for winners.
Attached images: