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NeowithJenya's picture
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Joined: 02/10/2009 - 20:58
The real Jenya eyes' color

That is the great mystery that I want to solve. Look at the next link: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u199/Neowithkatie/eyes.jpg

Which do you believe is the real color of her beautiful eyes?? On Met Art Biography says "brown" on Jurgita web site says "green", but in the photoset "Dedica", they seem "dark gray" and finally in the set "On the chair" from Katie Fey site, they seem "gray".

So, what do you think about this?? Green, Brown, Gray or Dark gray???

I_Love_Her's picture
ED.Com SupporterPaparazziWallPaper Maker
Joined: 12/03/2008 - 17:18


The picture:

Jenya eyes color

hondaman's picture
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Joined: 02/07/2009 - 23:17

She has gray eyes my grandmother and one of my good friends has gray eyes and depending on the sunlight on a given day they will look diffrent colors alot of people think that people that have "color changing" eyes have gray eyes. Also with level of touch up that every place in the world does to pictures of a persons face and eyes it can be very hard to tell the stuff they use makes photoshop look like childsplay. My wife works at an ad agency that does those makeup models in the make up ads and what you see on covers of magazines youd be suprised what they do even to an already very good looking person she showed me some before and after pics once it is kind of fucked up really because it makes people think you can look that perfect it gives people a flase idea because they often dont know what has been done at least they do much of that on MET-ART and some other places but they still do it some. But she has gray eyes they just touched up the eye color to more solidly be the color that they looked that day. Or color contacts you can get those and some are purely for vanity and dont ocrrect sight.